Sunday, December 20, 2009


Just taking care of a place takes up so much time when you are alone. I have to fix this, being alone that is...I may get a roommate to help out with the work so there is more time to prep. Winter is upon us and things are getting worse, not better, almost a year into Obamamy...
No health care for me, there will be no way I can pay for anything in the way of health care, er sick care. There is no preventative medicine, no publishing of vitamin or other therapy to get well, only drugs. Been there done that, and what a racket. The system wants you in on the repeat script so they can make their billions...Publishing a statement saying only a drug can cure a disease?? What is with that?? liars... Making it illegal for making a statement about vitamins curing, which may be true, unlike the drug statement which is false, taking away our right of free speach, so the drug companies can rape and kill people with their so called cure. Drugs do not cure they treat symptoms, that's it...period...

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya sister! If I lived in PA I'd love to be your room mate or helper or whatever. :-) I too have been dealt a real shitty hand of cards in the last while and believe that I will have to fold, within the next month. Damned governments are killing all us little guys and gals and interbreeding with their banker/insurance/real estate bum buddies,to keep the rich, richer, as always. What a sorry state of affairs we are in my friend. :-( larryb
